

Dictionary definitions can have a certain irony to them. Commonly, instead of explaining anything significant about the words they attempt to capture, definitions give us lifeless descriptors, or worse, technical synonyms. Let us look at the word: ‘Sad’ “feeling inadequate, unfortunate, regret or showing sorrow; unhappiness” Taking the word ‘sad’ as a self descriptor, most…

Radical Honesty P.2: Our Equation, Compassion and Poetry

Hark! In my first post I said Radical Honesty gives way to an acceptance that changes our concern from convincing others of our character to convincing others of their own. Moreover, accepting who and what you are allows you to meet any fate with dignity and a certain satisfaction. Ultimately, this is a questionable sentiment…

Radical Honesty: So What If I Lose?

I recall as a young boy thinking how to reveal (what where at the time) questionable interest to my peers, readying my tone, logic and if need be, my lies, to explain why I had aligned myself with such disreputable desires. At root, though I was unconscious of it, I was trying to weave my…

Rose Colored Boy: Cynic or Optimist?

In our age of oversaturated media, from mass book markets, blogs, vain and informative (but equally as desperate) youtube channels, we find two reflexive temperaments. On the one hand we have Cynics, those who insist “there is nothing interesting to say anymore”, and on the other, the faithful Optimist, the yay-sayers, giving out praise constantly.…

The Essential: Building A Home For A Fire God

Like Thoreau, anyone who is philosophically or religiously motivated wishes to craft a home in some isolated wood, looking for the “…essential facts of life, [to] see if [they can] not learn what it had to teach, and not, when [they come] to die, discover that [they] had not lived.” (1) Unlike Thoreau, it is…

Imagination: Our Funny Valentine

Cheeks blushed, tone raised, reactions swift and clunky; we are surprised when called by name. Our friend, boss, parent or lover has been waiting for sometime, possibly even on their third or fourth call, yet, we still feel a bit irritated, torn from something intimate, something private. As if caught in a moment of “PDA”…

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